Answers To Common DirectLync Questions
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What is a Contact Score?

Scoring is a process of awarding points to contacts for specific actions taken in concurrence with your company. It provides your sales and marketing team with the ability to understand which contacts, in the lead stage, have a higher chance to book.

Where can I manage and add Attributes to a Contact Score?

  1. Select Settings in the CRM module
  2. Select Contact Score on the left side bar
  3. Click + Add Attributes under the module you'd like to add an attribute
  4. Once the pop-up has appeared, input Action Type, Action, and Points
  5. Select Save

Your contact scores will be updated as you save changes in the settings.

How do I edit a Contact Score Attribute?

  1. Hover over the Attribute you'd like to edit and select the Pencil Icon
  2. In the pop-up, you can edit any of the dropdowns
  3. When done, select Save

How do I delete a Contact Score Attribute?

  1. Hover over the Attribute you'd like to edit and select the Pencil Icon
  2. Select Delete
  3. You'll see a confirmation message
  4. Click Delete