Answers To Common DirectLync Questions
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What is a Sales Pipeline?

A Sales Pipeline is a comprehensive view of all your stages together. You can view how an Opportunity moves as it progresses from the first Contact to won or lost. The Sales Pipeline can be seen on the Opportunities page and can be managed in settings.

Where can I manage/add Stages in the Sales Pipeline?

Sales Pipleine in DirectLync

  1. In CRM Settings, select Sales Pipeline on the left

To add a Stage

  1. click the + Add New Stage at the bottom of the list
  2. Select Save

To Delete a Stage

  1. Hover over the Stage you'd like to delete click the Pencil Icon
  2. Select Delete
  3. A confirmation message will appear (Clicking Cancel will close the pop-up and not delete the stage)
  4. Click Delete
  5. The page will refresh, and the Stage will be removed

*There is a maximum of 25 stages
*Character limit is 50

How do I edit the order in my Sales Pipeline?

  1. In CRM Settings, select Sales Pipeline
  2. Hovering over the Stage to enable the drag function
  3. Drag and drop your Stage to the new order
  4. Once dropped, that is where that Stage will be placed

Moving stages in the pipeline