While most marketers know they should be repurposing high-performing content, many of us still let valuable blogs or videos fall to the wayside. On our quest to churn out piece after piece, we can lose sight of the amazing content we’ve already produced.
But how can you clearly identify and recycle content that deserves to be repurposed?
Here are five clever ways to repurpose your content to save time while making the most of your efforts.
Key benefits of repurposing content
Saves time
Time is a precious resource that all marketers wish they had more of when it comes to content creation. Thankfully, repurposing content is an easy way to free up more time. You can simply dust off an old video, article, or other asset and reuse it in a fresh new way.
Attracts new audiences
Reusing old content on different mediums enables you to reach new audiences. For example, if you’re only publishing blogs, you could be missing out on a huge market of consumers who prefer to watch videos. Taking a multichannel approach to your marketing efforts allows you to meet customers where they already are.
Gets the most out of your content
While you may be super proud of a piece of content you created, there is still a chance that it won't perform well once it’s published on the web. Repurposing that epic blog or video ensures that audiences who might have missed it the first time around will definitely see it now.
Choosing what content to repurpose
Before recycling any piece of existing content, you need to identify what assets deserve to be repurposed in the first place. Two types of content always worth repurposing include:
- Evergreen content: Pieces that can withstand the test of time should always be reused. While you might have to tweak a date or statistic, evergreen content ensures that you’re always delivering relevant and valuable resources to your audience.
- High-performing content: Identify your most popular pieces of content. What post was shared on Twitter or Facebook the most? What blog deeply resonated with your readers? High-performing content will always boost shares, traffic, and engagement.
Five simple ways to repurpose existing content
Now that you’ve identified what pieces of content to reuse, let’s explore the five best ways to repurpose them.
1. Create new blogs
Revisit your top-performing blog posts from last year. Your quality content can turn into even more engaging content, and readers will enjoy both.
For instance, transform one item from a listicle into a deep-dive article about that particular topic. Let’s say you created a blog about the top five digital marketing trends of 2019. Pull one of those trends and write an article about best practices, examples, and tips marketers can use to make that trend work for their brand.
2. Turn an article into an infographic or video
Another simple way to repurpose content is to change it into a different type of medium. Turn a blog post into an infographic or vice versa. You can also flesh out an article and develop it into a video script to share on social media. This way, you’re reaching a new audience while saving time by reusing old content.
3. Use internal data in thought-leadership articles
Thought-leadership articles are valuable pieces of content brands can use to establish their authority. A strong thought-leadership article always includes data and industry insights. Use old internal data to strengthen new thought-leadership pieces.
For instance, if you run a marketing agency, share the results from your testing in an article. If you conducted an experiment about what call to actions (CTAs) bring the most clicks, share that awesome insight with your readers.
4. Consider Quora
Many marketers are already promoting their content on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But did you ever consider Quora?
This social site answers all kinds of questions. Take a look at the common questions being asked about your industry and reuse existing blog content to answer these inquiries. This will establish your company as an industry leader and problem solver.
5. Break down a blog into an email marketing campaign
Need fresh email marketing ideas? Break down an evergreen blog into an engaging email marketing campaign. Use a section of the blog every other day or once a week to provide your subscribers with valuable information about your products or services.
Make your content go further with DirectLync
Still having trouble repurposing your content? DirectLync’s innovative suite of digital marketing tools can help you make the most out of every campaign. Whether you want to craft engaging emails or make smarter decisions with real-time reporting and analytics, we can help.
To get started, unlock your free 14-day trial today